UMNO to appeal against Kota Siputeh court ruling

KUALA LUMPUR Nov.23 — UMNO will appeal against the High Court”s (Appellate and Special Powers) decision today pertaining to the Election Commission”s (EC) application on Kota Siputeh state seat.
UMNO information chief, Datuk Ahmad Maslan told a news conference at parliament lobby that the party”s lawyer, Datuk Hafarizam Harun, would file the appeal tomorrow.
"I”ve just contacted him. It will be interesting to see if the Court of Appeal is able to make a decision tomorrow because the EC has to decide (on the by-election for the seat) by Wednesday,” he said. - Bernama

Posted by YB Datuk Hj. Ahmad bin Hj. Maslan on 1:06 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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