UMNO using "4M" to inform people of development projects

PETALING JAYA, Feb 21 - UMNO is using the “4M” concept of face-to-face, print, electronic and virtual media to inform the people of development projects implemented by the federal government.
Information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the 'satu Penerangan Satu Bahagian (SPSB) programme had been effective in disseminating information on development projects on the ground.
"The programme implemented since October last year is aimed at strengthening the information machinery of 20,000 UMNO branches via seminars and talks.
"I urge all the other party machinery to join us in this effort,” he said after opening the Subang UMNO division SPSB information programme here today.
Ahmad urged UMNO divisions to organise the event at least once a month or hold it together with the Juara Rakyat programme.
The SPSB programme launched by UMNO president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was to transform the party to regain the people's support for UMNO and Barisan Nasional. - Bernama

Posted by YB Datuk Hj. Ahmad bin Hj. Maslan on 9:37 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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